Xenmos Specialists


Salini Teri Apodaca is a Reiki master, best-selling author, Sacred Alchemist, Spiritual Teacher and Divine Mother. Salini comes from a long lineage of powerful Goddesses, Mystics and Healers and has experienced many initiations into healing and light work. She was trained as a healer from birth by her mother, Eulalia Mae, and Reiki Grandmaster Hawayo Takata, who mentored and healed her for 2 decades. Salini also experienced initiation into shadow work through trauma-based mind control & sex slavery in the MK-Ultra program by her Mason father. Salini deprogrammed herself with her healing gifts and created multiple healing and deprogramming programs to heal humanity of the rampant abuse, trauma and mind control here.

Salini’s book, EMERGING FROM THE MATRIX – HEALING HUMAN TRAUMA AND ENDING GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT – instructs the reader in self-healing and spiritual awakening with 22 simple steps. Salini is now working on her next book about healing global mind control.

Her divine mission on Earth is to anchor the transformative light energy entering Earth to heal and restore the balance here. She is also tasked to bring in new healing modalities to heal the conditions and energies that have plagued us so long. Salini has an Ascension Mystery School of Divine Mystery Teachings and teaches Reiki, does ancient sacred rituals for healing and protection and so much more. Salini walks the path of the Divine Mother and offers healing to all who come to her. Unconditional love is her belief, and her motto is ….”When love is the bottom line, Earth and her people will heal”.

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