The noosphere is the thinking membrane of the planet. It is the collective memory of the earth, it holds within it the archetypal blueprints of conscious evolution, it is the unitary noetic nervous system of the collective, it is a self-organizing intelligence. It allows humanity to transition into a functional whole. The noosphere is comprised of all the morphic fields (collective data banks) and psi banks (brain cells of the planet). This thinking sphere activates, and humanity transmutes the collective unconscious into the collective conscious. All the ecological resources of the planet begin as an archetypal idea within the noosphere, and through photonic dissemination are willed into manifest form. This means that the currency of the noosphere is photonic.

As the human light body develops, so does the biological structure of the human prototype transubstantiate into biophotons. These biophotons of conscious love bestows abundance upon the reality fractal of conscious life. New world economics is a photonic based currency. And through right action and service to the world and its inhabitant’s life units are embraced in the paradisical abundance of the electron field. Electrons are gold and are radial packets of temporal simulation. The economy has officially shifted into this photonic currency.

You will notice that, through right action (meaning devoting all action to the service of spirit) you will be rewarded in both riches and health. Any action that is purely based on service to self, or to the destruction of other life units results in deterioration and impoverishment. This is the new way. Politically the noosphere operates under the law of one, and the laws of nature. The only true laws are the laws of nature, and as the noosphere is activating the draconian laws of the draconian government are collapsing and the elites are becoming sick and impoverished, exposed and exiled.

Welcome home, welcome back to paradise. Reality is being simulated by timelines that follow numeric sequences. And those who are conscious enough to leverage this new state of planetary being are becoming one with the central nervous system of the planet, the nervous system is what connects human to spirit, to the divine. The central nervous system is that which conducts and stores energy. When one becomes one with the central nervous system of the planet through the law of one, their consciousness can conduct the energy of the planet as if it were there own central nervous system. There is a certain gamma brainwave that is conducive to the full-scale integration of planetary mind. This brainwave is induced through loving resonance. All life units when anchored into the noosphere are active components integral to the intelligence of the planet, and thus share a telepathic mind.

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