Awaken your spirit self and connect with the truth

Xenmos is a spiritual enterprise designed to filter out the non-sensical chatter we are facing in the Age of Disinformation. We have no use for anything other than fact!

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The noosphere is the thinking membrane of the planet. It is the collective memory of the earth, it holds within it the archetypal blueprints of conscious evolution, it is the...

The Political Series – Part 1

To really grasp conspiracy culture, it is paramount to have an understanding of the underpinning political psychology that drives it. Everybody has a political stance, whether they are aware of...

Plasma Beings from the Primal Light Fields

Plasma beings are light beings that have anchored their consciousness both into the physical universe and light universe simultaneously. They emulate the body of the sun, yet they change colour...

Wait… Vampires are real??

Yes vampires are real! Who knew? Oh yeah – all of humanity forever. There are various types of vampires, from sanguinary vampires (blood suckers), to soul devourers, psychic vampires, emotional...

An Introduction to Nature Spirits

There is a plethora of nature spirits, too many to detail. Nature spirits exist all throughout the natural world from water ravines and oceans to mountains and forests. There are...

Metaphysical Musings – The Holographic Mirror

The universe is a mental creation, a hall of mirrors that produces holographic information. When consciousness or “Light”, perceives through the lens of the mental prism, it is split, when...

Virtual Events

Launching soon – online events covering everything from the multiple dimensions we can experience, cleansing, true human history, the state of Earth and more.

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